Ultimate Checklist of Topflight Home Decor Trends 2019: Ideas you Never Thought of Erstwhile

Ultimate Checklist of Topflight Home Decor Trends 2019: Ideas you Never Thought of Erstwhile

Home decor has become a massive industry in this day and age, and it’s here to stay. There are so many cool new themes and designs that are there today. So that way, you might across surprises in every other corner.

In 2019, if you want to put a touch of magic in your home, then you’ll have more options than you’d know what to do with. So, the main problem is going to be taking a pick from such a wide variety of options.

But don’t worry, if you’re here reading this article you won’t have to go through all that hassle.

I’ve handpicked the hottest home decor trends for this year. With these, there’s just an unending list of possibilities.

How you might ask?

It’s not just these styles just by themselves, but also the mixing and matching of it all. It depends on the particular layout of your home mainly.

So, now let’s get into the trends and all their details without further ado.

The 8 Topflight Home Decor Trends you can Go for in 2019

The topic of home decor is an art form, that goes without saying.

It’s going to be subjective to the ‘n’-th degree. A design that someone’s going to just drool over, might be the last option or below for the other.

So, whichever style becomes a trend would definitely be a choice for many at the same time. For which they consider designing their homes that way. This goes to show that certain styles can be so good that there’s going to be minimum argument on it.

The styles that you’re going to come across on this list are just like this, at least for 2019.

But you can rest assured that some of these are here to stay. As they are so close to the fundamentals of what most of us would like in our homes.

Graphics on your Ceiling

Graphics are among the best things you can do to make your home look better. And as such, this is nothing new by itself.

What’s new and hip in 2019 is where you put those graphics on. That can make a real difference to how your interiors are going to look.

This time, it’s going to be graphics on your ceiling.

In 2019, people are shifting more and more towards having graphics on relatively unconventional places. In this case, it’s the ceilings where you can put up interesting graphics.

Okay, now that you’ve got the idea that you can put up graphics on your ceiling. What should put on it to make it look the par?

Anything, to be fair. It all depends upon your preferences.

You can go for a very intriguing piece of street style artwork. But make sure that it has to somehow fit into the context of the room. Or else, it might look too forced and wouldn’t bring the desired results.

But as is the case with art, sometimes the exact opposite might work out better.

Boldness of the Contrast

Gone are the days when choosing a color for your room was super straightforward. Just one and done and that’s it.

Nowadays, we have what is usually two contrasting colors which bring the whole room to life.

What’s trending in 2019 is just more of the same thing, but in a much more interesting way. We’re seeing more and more of stark contrasts in rooms with two color walls. And, in many cases more than just two.

Now, with such ‘bold’ contrast as is available, the important thing is to get it right.

Because if the color matching is wrong then it can look really bad. And you don’t want your home to look bad, do you?

That’s where getting proper consulting and testing before deciding on the design can make a real difference. There are several interior design firms that do this and it’ll be best for you to talk to them regarding the specifics.

Now, as for what is most popular in 2019, we’re seeing more and more people adopt such contrasting.

Take, for example, two colors red and white which somewhat complement each other. Pairing up a slightly reddish white along with a bit dark and rich shade of red.

This would be something that you might find in many rooms which have been painted this year.

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Wallpapers are Back and More Powerful than Ever

About a decade or so ago, using wallpapers for your home decor was in fashion. Designs were moderately sober and people liked it quite a bit.

The good thing was that if you were bored of the ones you had. Replacing them was a much easier task. But the problem was with the designs that you could get, which was pretty limited. And for that, it did go out of fashion.

But in 2019, wallpapers are back in a new avatar.

Now, you can put up fantastic patterns which were not available, or in some cases not even thought of back in the days.

So much so that, if you’re a big fan of paintings but can’t afford a good one. You can have a mural of that with your wallpapers in the rooms you want to.

And the best part, as you’ll have with wallpapers is that if you get bored of something. It’ll be quite easy to change it up.

Finally, if you really want to express yourself through your living space, then this is probably the way you should go.

With fascinating murals as wallpapers, the possibilities are just limitless.

Regal Rugs on the Floor

Now that we’ve covered both walls and ceilings with the respective trends that they are seeing. It’s time we cover the floor, as it brings a lot of possibilities this year.

2019 is the year where we’re getting to see a lot of back to basics ideas. It’s a natural outcome of top of the line manufacturing at reasonable rates. And add to that, new and smart ideas in terms of designs.

What you can do with your floors this year is get yourself fantastic looking rugs. To bring that regal touch to your rooms. Because the flooring matters a lot, as you’ll be walking on it most of the time.

But it isn’t just about the looks of it as well. The feel under your feet is going to be just as important, if not more.

And for that, a lot of different materials are available from which you can take your pick. A great example is rugs made of wool, which are very comfortable to the touch.

You can either have different kinds of rugs in different places around your home. It might be one or two rugs in discrete places around the home.

Or, you can go full guns blazing with full-on carpet flooring across the floor of the rooms. You can work out different themes that way. But you’ll have to make sure you hire the best carpet installers.

Also, if you’re worried about maintaining the cleanliness of the rugs, then vacuum cleaners are going to be the way to go for that. You can check out the different vacuum cleaner reviews online.

Furniture in Rather Eccentric Shapes

Items of furniture are absolutely fundamental when it comes to home decor. You’ll not only need them for use on a day to day basis. But you can use them to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home.

This although is a rather common thing. But still, in 2019 you’ll get to see this in a different way.

Now, we have pieces of furniture which come in interesting shapes and sizes. Off the top of my head, a really common theme of shape is curves.

A lot of furniture items in 2019 that are available in the market come in various iterations of this theme. The main advantage of this is that no matter where you might place a furniture item like this. It’s going to introduce a flowy look and feel.

You can also experiment with different color schemes and also the positioning of these. But at the end of the day, the thing that you must not forget is the comfort factor.

If you’ve bought yourself a nice piece of furniture, but it isn’t any comfortable, then that defeats the entire purpose of putting that in your home.

You can also go for custom designs of furniture and incorporate this particular trend as your own. That will take care of both the looks and the comfort aspects together.

An Entirely Green Background

Themes have always been the go-to for many years as of now. And along the way, there have been various themes that have gotten into fashion.

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Many people have adopted it and kept them as such till the next one. This year, people are going green and it’s going pretty good in various homes around the country.

With the current trend of awareness regarding pollution and global warming. This trend of having a green theme in one’s home has gathered quite some steam. And you can go for this as well, there are a lot of cool things that you can do with this.

The most basic one is painting the different walls in different shades of green. Then, have the other things in the room in colors that will complement all this green.

If you want to go even further from here, you can also have your furniture items in green as well.

Now, do you remember the murals?

You can also have them that will fit right into the soothing green backdrop. That will bolster the theme even further bringing in that artistic touch.

Wooden Highlights around the House

On a similar note as the previous trend that I talked about, this time it’s all about the wood.

In 2019, another very significant trend is wooden highlights around the house. Keep in mind, it’s wooden highlights rather than various pieces of furniture having an entirely wooden finish.

In general, wooden accents have always been the favorite of many people all over the place. That’s why these are rather popular.

That begs the question – What’s new here for 2019?

The new thing is putting up accents with a wooden finish in various places around your house. You can check out the different examples of this and there are really great photos of this that you can find online.

More than that, you can always go for these kinds of wooden accents if you already have the green theme. That will make it look and feel even more natural.

Now, the thing with wooden accents is that this can go with any kind of theme you might like.

For example, if you want to use an industrial style theme in your living room. Or, throughout the entire house for that matter, then such wooden accents would fit perfectly into this.

Thus, this has become quite the trend in 2019. The main reason for that is the way in which these wooden accents enhance the style of a theme.

Handmade Art Pieces

Artworks have always been the focus of all curiosity of great looking living spaces. From centuries ago to this very day.

This is going to go on in 2019, but what’s most happening this year is ‘back to basics’ handmade artworks. And these are available at all different price points that you might want to.

The beauty of these art pieces is that it can be as functional as it can be aesthetic. It’s going to be important as space within the house is limited. So, there’s going to be an upper limit to the number of things you can keep just for show.

But with these handmade art pieces, that’s not going to be a problem.

You can have any furniture made like this which is going to give you that necessary functionality. And it’s going to look unique as well.

Because when it comes to home decor, handmade artworks are relatively newer in this part of the world.


Now that you know about the latest and greatest trends in home decor for the year 2019. It’s up to you to decide how you can make use of these.

Like I already said that it’s more of the mixing and matching of these styles that’s going to do the magic. Now, applying some of these can be a bit expensive.

But, considering the increase in the value of the real estate, it might be worth it. And while you’re out looking for the best contractors to do this job for you.

It’ll be best if you can take some time to look around a bit for the best deal that you can get.

And did I forget to mention that while you’re out there looking for the perfect deal. You might just come across interesting versions of these trends to apply to your home.


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